Petherton Picture Show News

Film Programme

Surprisingly, the choice of films for Petherton Picture Show is not as extensive as one might believe. PPS is dependent upon a small number of suppliers to provide the films we show for our members, and there are supply problems with some of them. Occasionally, even finding out which supplier is responsible for a particular film can be a challenge. As a result, we sometimes withold making a final choice of film until we know we can confirm its availability. In consequence, we sometimes do not know all the films in the forthcoming season, and we have to put in a "place marker" or "TBA" into the David Hall programme and/or this website.

PPS apologise for this, but it is beyond our control. We can only update this web site, and announce the film titles at film showings, when we know what they are.

Future Programme Film Suggestions

The Petherton Picture Show committee choose the films for each season, using their judgement (sometimes influenced by alcohol) as to the type of film that would be well received. If you have any suggestions for films to go into the next season, please feel free to pass them on to the committee members. However, we make no promises - remember that each season only consists of a small number of films, and this must be balanced against their likely appeal and availability. We have to at least cover our costs!

PPS Equipment

The Petherton Picture Show committee is always trying to obtain funding from the National Lottery and other sources, including the occasional raffle (ie: anywhere we can scrounge money from) to enable improvements to be made.

We aim to keep improving, so if you think you could help us in any of these areas (especially the technical ones!), or wish to make suggestions to improve PPS, talk to us !!